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Samsung Tool 20.2 Released. Some new phones added:
– support SM-N9150 (Direct unlock, Reset MSL, Write network, Wipe EFS with autobackup to tar, flashing) – first in the world
– support SM-N915F (Direct unlock, Reset MSL, Write network, Wipe EFS with autobackup to tar, flashing) – first in the world
– support SM-N915FY (Direct unlock, Reset MSL, Write network, Wipe EFS with autobackup to tar, flashing) – first in the world
– support SM-N915G (Direct unlock, Reset MSL, Write network, Wipe EFS with autobackup to tar,flashing) – first in the world
– support SM-N915P (Direct unlock, Reset MSL, Write network, Wipe EFS with autobackup to tar, flashing) – beta for purpose only
– support SM-N915R4 (Direct unlock, Reset MSL, Write network, Wipe EFS with autobackup to tar, flashing) – beta for purpose only
– support SM-N915T (Direct unlock, Reset MSL, Write network, Wipe EFS with autobackup to tar, flashing) – first in the world
for direct unlock/reset msl you no need any root , or knox remove.
Reset msl need for direct Write network. so before write network do MSL reset.
WIPE EFS need only if EFS damaged. Other cased dont touch this.
– addition function MSL reset for S4, S3 without root (this need for WRITE NETWORK)
– lof of bugs
Not fixed:
– problem with sw hands on some pc, disk error (will be fixed in future updates)
Mega link
P.S. Are you ready for something hot in Samsung Pro release?
P.S2. Dont update your phones to last firmware before unlock, becouse seems they will close unlock hole….
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لقد كان لدي الاصدار 20.5 وشغال 100%
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