File analysis… Ok
Total file size: 0x00C42500 (12 Mb)
Searching USB Flash interface… COM14 detected
Setup connection… Ok
Reading PIT from phone… Ok
Sending Sboot.bin… Ok
Flashing done (time – 00:00:06)
Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.27.6
Searching Samsung USB Flash interface… COM14 detected
Setup connection… Ok
Reading PIT from phone… Ok
Searching FRP lock… Ok
Erasing FRP… Ok
Searching Reactivation lock… not supported
Searching EE lock… Ok
Erasing EE lock… error
It looks like you have an unsucessful operation, try this link for solution –
Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.27.6
File analysis… Ok
Total file size: 0x00C42500 (12 Mb)
Searching USB Flash interface… COM14 detected
Setup connection… Ok
Reading PIT from phone… Ok
Sending Sboot.bin… Ok
Flashing done (time – 00:00:06)
Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.27.6
Searching Samsung USB Flash interface… COM14 detected
Setup connection… Ok
Reading PIT from phone… Ok
Searching FRP lock… Ok
Erasing FRP… Ok
Searching Reactivation lock… not supported
Searching EE lock… Ok
Erasing EE lock… error
It looks like you have an unsucessful operation, try this link for solution –
Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.27.6
كلمة السر اذا ممكن المكتوبة عم تطلع غلط
احرف كبيرة مع فراغ
الكم جزيل الشكر احلى فريق
تم بنجاح