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Samsung Tool Pro 24.2
Some new phones after small holidays.
– support SM-G7202 (Flashing, Direct Unlock, Read/Write/Reset EFS, Read/Write QCN, Read/Write SEC, Write NETWORK, reset MSL, wipe NVM, Activate diag, reboot to download/recovery)
– support SM-A5100 (Flashing, Direct Unlock, Read/Write/Reset EFS, Read/Write QCN, Read/Write SEC, Write NETWORK, reset MSL, wipe NVM, Activate diag, reboot to download/recovery)
– support SM-A7100 (Flashing, Direct Unlock, Read/Write/Reset EFS, Read/Write QCN, Read/Write SEC, Write NETWORK, reset MSL, wipe NVM, Activate diag, reboot to download/recovery)
– support SM-A9000 (Flashing, Direct Unlock, Read/Write/Reset EFS, Read/Write QCN, Read/Write SEC, Write NETWORK, reset MSL, wipe NVM, Activate diag, reboot to download/recovery)
– support SM-J3109 (Flashing, Direct Unlock, Read/Write/Reset EFS, Read/Write QCN, Read/Write SEC, Write NETWORK, reset MSL, wipe NVM, Activate diag, reboot to download/recovery)
– support SM-J120M (Flashing, Read pit, Read/Write EFS, Read/Write NETWORK, Unlock, Read codes, Reset FRP/EE ) – World First
– support SM-J120H (Flashing, Unlock, Read codes, Read/Write/Reset EFS, Read/Write NETWORK, repair) – World First
– support SM-J120H/DS (Flashing, Unlock, Read codes, Read/Write/Reset EFS, Read/Write NETWORK, repair) – World First
– support SM-J320H (Flashing, Unlock, Read codes, Read/Write/Reset EFS, Read/Write NETWORK, repair) – World First
– support SM-J320H/DS (Flashing, Unlock, Read codes, Read/Write/Reset EFS, Read/Write NETWORK, repair) – World First
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