Miracle Falcon Box Fire HTC PACK 1.0

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الجديد في التحديث :

(Possible to get all software and hardware information like)
# OTA.
# Factory Build.
# CPU Specification.
# Default.
# Nand IC.
# Original Equipment Manufacturer.
# Kernel.
# System.
# Can show similar devices and hard reset guides.
# Can Detect Model automatically.

[S-OFF Section]

# Ability to Disable H-boot Security (S-OFF) for this models: (only in normal mode)
(Radio lock not change).

[And Super CID for]

# HTC One s (S4 series).

[Root Tool]

# Temporarily and Permanent Root by 6 Different Method in Normal Mode.

[GoldCard Section]

# Ability to create Goldcard (New and Old HTC Phone) and write it and store
it on computer (stand alone – so you can flash any device without need s-off) (World’s First).

# Ability Direct Gold-card writing
on SD Card for PC.

[Easy Update & Recovery Section]

# Downgrade and Upgrade Original ROM available by one click (no need to select files for
supported models) (for who users installed Full Setup) (World’s First).

# Custom Recovery Installation with one click (no need to select the files under supported models)
(for who users installed Full Setup) (World’s First).

# Custom ROM Installation with support for all languages with one click (no need to select the
files under supported models)(for who users
installed Full Setup) (World’s First).

# Custom Kernel Installation with one click (no need to select the files under
supported models)(for who users installed Full Setup) (World’s First).

[Manual Flash & Dump,Erase]

# Manual Flash, files can be Boot – Recovery – System – Userdata – H-boot.

# Manual Flash in normal mode, files can be Misc – Recovery (World’s First).

# Dump possible from the system partition and display the operating system map (World’s First).

# Auto Flash ZIP/OTA Package in Recovery mode (World’s First).

# Partition dumping for All partitions and All Android devices in Normal&Recovery mode (HTC,Samsung,LG,Motorola,ZTE).

[Advance Function Section]

# Change CID – MID – Serial (in-state S-OFF).
# Possible to boot the phone with the desired file.
# Erase all the possible partitions (World’s First).
# Change main versions with manual method just one click (for downgrade – no need S-OFF) (World’s First)
# Change main versions with auto method just one click (for downgrade – no need S-OFF) (World’s First).
# Ability to fix USB Brick (World’s First).

[Application Section]

# Ability to install APK software (Mass Installation) and display file info with ability to the
install on external memory.
# Uninstall application (apk) on the operating system.

[Misc Section]

# Google Account Bypassing just with one click (Normal and Custom Recovery) (World’s First).

# Ability to change phone mode automatically (HBoot – Recovery – Fastboot – Ruu mode).

# Possible activation App2SD WITHOUT ROOT (for installing software on the External
Storage – version 2.1 and up) (World’s First).

# Wipe off the System – Cache – UserData.

# Possibility of temporarily and permanently activate the USB Debug (for HTC mobile phones ) (World’s First).

# Ability to remove Password – Pin – Pattern without losing user data(all brands) (World’s First).

# The ability to Easy and Fast unlock the boot loader for HTC.

# The ability to Easy and Fast unlock the boot loader for Motorola.

# The ability to Easy and Fast unlock the boot loader for Google.

# The ability to Easy and Fast unlock the boot loader for Sony.

# The ability to Easy and Fast unlock the boot loader for Sony Ericsson.

[MTK HTC Devices Supported]

# Added Write Scatter.
# Added Factory Flash Support for old Scatters Type.
# Added Partition Dumping for Following MTK Chip sets.
# Added Format and Erase for MTK Devices.
# Added Scatter (old and new type) creator on DA Mode (Boot Mode) for MTK Devices.
# Added CPU Auto Detection for MTK devices.
# MT6572
# MT6573
# MT6577
# MT6582
# MT6589
# MT6592
# MT6595
# MT6732
# MT6735
# MT6752
# MT6753
# MT6795

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