Fix Security damaged or incorrect key

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First in the world 

fix Security damaged or incorrect key problem for any S6 S6 Edge


Operation: Unlock
Selected model: SM-G925W8
Software version: 22.5
Waiting ADB device… OK
Reading phone info…
Model: SM-G925W8
Android version: 5.1.1
Product code: SM-G925WZKERWC
Phone version: G925W8VLU2BOH8
PDA version: G925W8VLU2BOH8
CSC version: G925W8OYA2BOH8
CSC country code: Canada
CSC sales code: RWC
HW version: REV0.1
Phone S/N: R58G31YBPSR
Modem board: SHANNON333
RF cal date: 20150330
Checking Super user right… true
Reading nv data… OK
Checking magic… OK
Initialization AT RIL… OK
Sending request to server… OK
Waiting answer… OK
Security damaged or incorrect key

when samsung make update for 5.1.1 for s6 s6 edge she fix bug

 the problem when you root phone with custom kernal Then you will security damaged

to fix that

Z3X :

Go to repair part

make reset efs

Go to backup part

write network

z3x Security damaged or incorrect key


Go to android / efsmanger

Make repair efs

Write network

octoplus Security damaged or incorrect key

The problem has been solved 🙂 

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