تحديث Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/Mediatek v1.38

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Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/Mediatek v1.38 – DataProtection Unlock and more

MTK SP Platform
– Flash Engine Revised
Improved booting
Improved HW verification
“Skip HW verification” option enabled
[Info]: Even disabled option still check BaseBand ID to avoid cross-flash!

– New Features supported:
MTK Android 5.x “Data Protection” unlock read/recover – WorldFirst!
Allow read patternlock, which enable hidden “encrypted” gallery menu
[Info]: DataProtection: It is ecnrypted storage, where can be placed photos,pictures,videos and documents
[Info]: All data inside is encrypted and hidden from normal gallery access!
[Info]: After enter code you will be able to view,decrypt and extract that files
[Info]: “Reset UserLocks” NOT touch that lock! Because of previous reasons.

– UserData operations improved
Revised whole DataDirect engine: PhoneBook, PatternLock, Gallery, SmartAV, UserCodes Reset etc.
64+ GiB UserData storage support enabled!
Support for some “non-standard” FileSystem types
Improved PhoneBook extraction from Android 5.x
Improved Gallery extraction

– SP Unlock revised
Improved new/old/custom security type detection
Improved “Direct Unlock” operation

– Factory Firmware Reading improved
AGOLD type support under test
Android 5.x specific improvements
Brand-specific improvements
Some new NAND types supported (DP, AGOLD)
Some other improvements and bugfixes

– SmartAV engine improved
Data accuracy level improved
Engine revised, more types supported

– Service operations improved
Improved “Security Repair” for some models

– Other
“Oppo” and few other customized preloader drivers supported
FlashLoaders updated and revised
Some improvements and bugfixes at all
“Requested” button enabled

Official download link #1

Official download link #2

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