World’s First
Android Monkey Virus
Clean By Only
Miracle Box
Mobile Must Rooted
Take Backup\
Restart Your Mobile Start after few Minutes
Still We test Kitkat Version
Miracle Box Clean 99% Virus if Some Signature Still Pending
Then it not harm your Mobile.
What is Monkey Virus
if you need more detail
use Google Uncle
According to Norton, this is a malware that can consume enough space
and drain your battery. Also, automatically install unwanted application
without permission. As per a website, after extracting using APK Editor
they noticed one of their code used “session id” it means it has access
in your internet that’s why it can install unnecessary app when you are connected
to the internet. They don’t know their main purpose but one thing is for sure it is
like the other free apps with ads asking to install their apps. They thought this
malware possibly wants to earn money from their ads or maybe trying to access
your account and information for their own purpose. So, do not ignore this and
remove this malware as soon as possible.
تم تصغير هذه الصورة. اضغط هنا لمشاهدة الحجم الكامل. أبعاد الصورة الاصلي هو 876*604. |

After Remove Please
Uninstall malicious app1. To uninstall the malicious app from your Android device, go to the Settings menu, then click on Apps or Application manager (this may differ depending on your device).
2. This will bring up a list of installed apps, including the malicious app. In our case the malicious app is “BaDoink” “Other” however this will most likely be different in your case. If you cannot find the malicious app, we advise you to uninstall all the recently installed apps.
3. Touch the app you’d like to uninstall.This won’t start the app, but will open up the program’s App Info screen, then click on “Uninstall” button:
4. A confirmation dialog should be displayed for the malicious app, click on “OK” to remove the malicious app from your Android phone.
5. Reboot your Android Mobile. |