UMT v2/UMT Pro Unisoc V0.5
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We are pleased to announce
UMTv2 / UMT Pro
Innovative and Intelligent
Unisoc v0.5
The Ultimate Unisoc Tool
SPRD – Unisoc supported Processors:
- SC6530
- SC6531
- SC6531E
- SC7701
- SC7702
- SC7703
- SC7731G
- SC7720EA
- SC7731C
- SC7731E
- SC9863A
- SC9820E
- SC9832E
- SC9830A
- SC9850KA
- Tiger T310(UMS312)
- Tiger T606
- Tiger T610(UMS512)
- Tiger T612(UMS9230)
- Tiger T616
- Tiger T700
- Boot Info
- Read Privacy code
- Read Firmware
- Write Firmware
- Backup NVRAM
- Restore NVRAM
- Backup Security
- Restore Security
- Write Original Pac Firmware
- FRP Remove
- Factory Reset
- Make Custom Loader – (Which Makes this tool Universal and Supports Mostly ALL Phones).
Details about Read Write firmware:
- Read phone info: In flash mode and Diagnostic mode.
- Write factory PAC file: Supported all phones except phones which asks for server auth.
- Read firmware: Supported for now SC7731E,SC9863A, SC9820E, SC9832E cpu, (more will be added soon).
- Write firmware which is read from phone for supported cpu.
Custom Loader info:
- User can make own custom loader using phone firmware and service unsupported yet phones.
- Using this method supports most phones in current market (does not supported phones what ask for server auth)
Very Important:
– To read firmware user must select phone from list or use compatible custom loader.
— Reading firmware using unsupported model, can give unpredictable result.
Added universal loaders what will work for many cpu phones market.
- SC7731E
- SC9820E
- SC9832E
- SC9863A
- Tiger T310(UMS312)
- Tiger T606
- Tiger T610(UMS512)
- Tiger T612(UMS9230)
- Tiger T616
- Tiger T700